- A National Plan for a 4-6% annual decrease in oil use to be publicly discussed, together with a plan to implement if an oil tanker doesn’t arrive.
- The privatised and damaging money creation system we live with must stop. We would reclaim the public’s right to create and control their means of exchange (currencies) and would distribute this power through many levels.
- We advocate an integrated multicurrency system, with prudential supervision at every level.
- · Iwi, local government, communities all to be encouraged to create their own currencies.
- Banks would be prohibited from creating new national money. This function would be performed instead by a special committee within the Reserve Bank. Banks would then be intermediaries between saver and borrower as they should be.
- Because we address the money supply issue, we can deliver on full employment.
- We are green business friendly with no income tax, no company tax, no GST.
- Because we address two basic underlying causes, we can deliver on lowering the gap between rich and poor without penalising anyone for working.
- The only taxes we have are Resource Taxes including Land Value Tax, a Financial Transaction Tax, Excise Taxes and some Tariffs.
- Land values for Maori will take into account Maori values; the imposition of Maori land taxes and rates will be reviewed historically.
- We advocate a Basic Universal Income or Kiwi Dividend, and would also investigate decentralising social welfare to local authority level as the dividend may have to be in more than one currency.
- We advocate an international currency for international trade created without interest.
- Climate change policy dealt with by petrol tax, coal tax and gas tax and a carbon tariff instead of ETS. A plan to phase out oil use would be a priority.
- In education, health and social welfare there would be a major decentralisation of the majority of power, so that local communities can influence social wellbeing.
- Aotearoa/New Zealand will become a republic.
- Rewrite the rules of global commerce to secure the right of each nation to regulate cross-border financial and trade flows.