Multiple currencies are needed We live with the idea that there should be only one currency in a country. We have a monoculture, abhorrent in Nature. For more resilience we need more currencies, both at local and national level. There … Continue reading →
After prolonged and bitter debate, the international agreement at Bretton Woods in 1944 was to use the USA dollar backed by gold as the international currency, but this has given an unfair advantage to USA ever since. For decades the … Continue reading →
This paper is the third in a series published here, and emerges after many discussions on the first two proposals. A Land-backed Complementary National Currency Issued by Government 11/9/2012 “Money is deeply and irretrievably implicated in the conversion of the … Continue reading →
Recently a member suggested I write shorter blogs. Well I will in future but for now, this is the best place to put a ten page article I have been writing over the last few months. We invite comment at … Continue reading →
Today we had 16 attending a meeting in Otaki. Although we only had only an afternoon to get through a lot, we agreed on at least the following core points: Our vision is for a New Zealand.. 1. Where we … Continue reading →
Here is a letter Laurence sent to the Dominion Post on 18 Nov, 2011 Dear Sir, Congratulations on your initiative to research the gap between rich and poor in New Zealand. The fact that the richest 5% own more than … Continue reading →
Education and Health and Social Welfare These three categories account for the vast majority of government spending. In the 2014 it was 80% of the government spending. Each interacts with the others too, as in Whanau Ora. Applying our bio-organisation … Continue reading →